FAQ What are “standards” and why are they important?What is ANSI and what is its role in standards development?Why is it important to use the B11 series of standards?How do I know if the B11 standard I want to purchase is the most current edition?What’s the difference between a B11 Standard and a B11 Technical Report?What’s the difference between ANSI B11 Standards and ISO machinery safety standards?What is the type-A, type-B, type-C ‘hierarchy’ of standards?Why should I participate?How can I get involved in the B11 Standards development process?Where can I buy B11 Standards?Can I share my digital Standard purchase with my coworkers?How can I use the B11 Standards to grow my business?Who should I contact if I have questions about B11 Standards?If I have questions or issues about my order, who do I contact?Standards orders related issues (cannot download e-book, did not receive order, received wrong order, purchased wrong Standard, request for refund, question regarding your order) email b11standards@gilmore.ca, chat with us, or call 800-795-6661.